June is Audio Book Month

Maybe you knew this or this is the first time you learning this but either way I am tickled pink.  I have long realized the joy of the audiobook there are so many reasons to embrace this medium.  If you drive to work this is a great way to “read” and it is such amazing company as well. It turns the hum drum into something you cannot wait to do. 

Personally I find that I will listen to a more book genres then I would if I was physically reading and that is a plus. I have found treasure after treasure by just listening.  I feel so honored that I have relationships with audiobook publishers and often find audiobooks on my doorstep, that is outstanding.

So if you have never tried an audiobook I would encourage you to do so.  Why not dip your toe in the audiobook pool and see what you are missing.  If you have never tried it you owe it to yourself to do it.  There is a still a week left in June so take the plunge today it will be refreshing.

No better chance to make an audiobook splash this week than audiobook week.  Starting on Monday the lovely Devourer of Books is hosting the third annual audiobook week and this is the link to all of the details: http://www.devourerofbooks.com/2012/06/listen-up-audiobook-week-2012-details-and-discussion-topics/.  If all of this audiobook play and chit-chat does not get you in the mood I fear you might be beyond our audiobook lifeguard’s reach.

About poofbooks

With a wave of the wand and a good book in hand travel to places and spaces beyond your imagination. Because reading does not require you to leave the comfort of your own living room or the bunny slippers behind. So if a vacation is not in your plans for this year, take a bookation, you will love it.
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4 Responses to June is Audio Book Month

  1. Pam Leiter says:

    Driving into the city has encouraged me to move to audiobooks. I’ve listened to books that I never would have considered because they have good narration. I find the theatrical aspect of the narration very entertaining.

  2. Laurie C says:

    Some people need a push into the pool instead of a lifeguard!

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